AHS 2018: Social Factors in Depression
Social Factors in Depression
AHS 2018
Illustrations in this presentation by Tiny Fox Art and Ideal Illustrations.
Presentation Resources
MOST - Moderated online social therapy for youth mental health
This is project is promising for its potential to provide access to mental health care to a greater number of people. They currently have several versions of this programming that have been tested with different patient populations but none are available for consumer use yet.
Media Use Plan for Children
Create a media plan for your child. This calculator is available in both English and Spanish.
Making an effort to provide a peer community for patients. This site is more specifically geared towards patients with chronic pain and the idea could be applied to other patient populations as well. Check out their website or watch a short video here.
NextGen – The home within a home
Thinking about multigenerational living but want to maintain some privacy? Check out these arrangements, where you can find two homes within one.
Complete References
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